Protel 99se ini files
Protel 99se ini files

protel 99se ini files

Translating complete PADS Logic designs which are Schematic files can be handled by Altium Designer's Import Wizard. Getting Started - Transferring Your PADS Logic Designs We will go through the import process in three sections importing PADS logic designs, importing PADS Layout files and importing PADS Library files below. Import Wizard - Reporting Options to control the reports manager. Errors in the translation are reported in a log file with the filename of the imported design with a LOG extension as shown in the Reporting Options page of the PADS Import Wizard as in the figure below.

protel 99se ini files

The PADS designs imported by the Import Wizard are captured as documents in individual PCB Projects which are created automatically after the translation in Altium Designer. If you only have binary PADS files you will need to export these binary files into ASCII format from your PADS application, preferably in the ASCII 2005.2 format. The Import Wizard only translates PADS ASCII versions 5.2 onwards and does not read PADS binary files. The Import Wizard streamlines the design translation by analyzing the PADS design files and offering defaults and suggested settings for project structure, layer mapping, PCB footprint naming, and so on. Import Wizard PADS ASCII Design and Library files. Translating complete PADS® Logic™ and PADS® Layout™ designs, including PCB, Schematic files and library files can all be handled by Altium Designer's Import Wizard. Layer Mapping for PADS ASCII Library Files.Using the Import Wizard for PADS Library Files.Importing Which PADS Schematic Library Files.Getting Started - Transferring Your PADS Library Files.Using the Import Wizard for PADS Layout Files.Getting Started - Transferring Your PADS Layout Designs.Using the Import Wizard for PADS Logic Files.Importing Which PADS ASCII Logic Files?.

protel 99se ini files

  • Getting Started - Transferring Your PADS Logic Designs.

  • Protel 99se ini files